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Izaci - Idioms

One of the most interesting aspects of a language are the idiomatic expressions that are used to add poetry to expressions. The following is a list of some of the idioms that exist in Xhosa. If you would like to suggest an idiom for us to add, please write to us

(X): Iimpukane eziluhlaza zithi...
(E): I heard it through the grape vine that...

Literally: The green flies are saying...

(X): Unesibindi
(E): She is brave

Literally: She has a liver

(X): Likhupha intlanzi emanzini
(E): It is hot

Literally: The sun is taking the fish out of the water

(X): Ndinamadolo anzima
(E): I am exhausted

Literally: My knees are heavy

(X): Kukuza kukaNxele
(E): It is in vain

Literally: It is the coming of Nxele

(X): Intlama idliwe yinja
(E): Things have gone wrong

Literally: The dough's been eaten by the dog

(X): Ixesha lixhatshwe yinja
(E): It's gotten late

Literally: Time's been lapped up by the dog

(X): Izulu limathumb' antaka
(E): The sky is overcast and threatening to rain.

Literally: The sky is the entrails of birds

(X): Iqaqa aliziva kunuka
(E): People are unaware of their own faults

Literally: A skunk doesn't notice its smell

(X): Umaf' evuka njengenyanga
(E): He doesn't give up

Literally: He dies and rises like the moon

(X): Unebala likantsho
(E): He has the mark of the black eagle

Literally: He has a distinguishing feature

(X): Iphala-ndlela
(E): An endless wanderer

Literally: He gallops the road

(X): Ukubamba isisila sehobe
(E): To hold on to unimportant things and not get things of substance

Literally: To grab the tail of a dove

(X): Izimba lendlela alihlumi
(E): A child always interfered with cannot grow

Literally: Corn by the road does not grow

(X): Yeka ukuthanda ihleza ungenamazinyo
(E): Know your limits

Literally: Don't want the bone if you have no teeth

(X): Akukho qili linokuzikhoth' emhlana
(E): Nobody can do everything

Literally: There is nobody so smart he can lick his own back

(X): inyoka nesele
(E): enemies

Literally: frog and snake

(X): Ukuba yincukuthu
(E): To live off others

Literally: To be a bedbug

(X): Ukuba lilulwane
(E): Cannot be trusted; takes all sides and is deceitful

Literally: to be a bat

(X): Ukuba yingwenya
(E): Good, powerful, famous person, of many virtues

Literally: to be a crocodile

(X): Ukuba lilitye
(E): slow at understanding, hard headed

Literally: to be a stone

(X): Ukuba yinkuku
(E): To go to bed early

Literally: to be a chicken

(X): Ukuba bomvu
(E): To be illiterate

Literally: To be red

(X): Ukuba neminwe emide
(E): to be a thief

Literally: to have long fingers

(X): Ukukhatywa yinkawu
(E): to be hungry

Literally: to be kicked by the monkey

(X): Ukuba yigusha
(E): to be humble

Literally: to be a sheep

(X): Usana olungakhaliyo lufela embelekweni
(E): The squeaky wheel gets the grease

Literally: The baby that does not cry, dies on the back of his mother

(X): Akukho nkwali iphandela enye
(E): Do not expect others to take care of your responsibilities

Literally: There isn't a partridge that scratches (for food) for another

(X): Inkqayi ingena ngentlontlo
(E): All accomplishments have humble beginnings

Literally: Baldness starts at the temples

(X): Uchane ucwethe (ngotolo)
(E): You're exactly right!

Literally: You hit the shrew (with the spear)

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